Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Get free 3gb from Mtn

Jumia megathon is a goodnews for imei tweakers because each phone they launched come with 3gb mega data offer. So get as many sims as possible because imei is flowing already and alot 3gb are waiting for who to use them. If you ordered any phone from Jumia, don't mind yourself activating the data bonus that follows because imei tweakers would have used and benefit it already.

Now back to norm, get a MTN sim card you haven't used to get the previous 2gb I mean a sim card you haven't used for any data offer, preferably a new sim card.
==> Tweak this imei 3521520700*****
if you are new to imei tweaking learn it here
==> After successful tweaking send free or mifi to 131 
To accumulate it and get up to 15gb, just download sms bomber and use it to send the message instead.
You know the norm, if you don't get yours at first tweak, just tweak another imei till you get your own share of the 3gb.
infinitee cares......
The earlier the better because imei tweakers are not smiling.

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