Friday, 2 December 2016

TWFT: Be prepared

2 December 2016
‘They prepare…in the summer.’
Proverbs 30:25 NKJV
Ants are small, but smart; they ‘store up food all summer’ (v. 25 NLT). Do you remember the story about the ant and the grasshopper? In summertime the ant is busy working, gathering food while the grasshopper plays. Then when winter sets in the ant retires to his home and enjoys life. He paid the price, now he can enjoy the reward. But now it’s time for the grasshopper that played on the front end to pay on the back end. As a result he starves in the cold because he didn’t understand that the only adequate preparation for tomorrow is the wise use of today. Think about it: when you were in school, did you ever prepare so well for an exam that you walked into the classroom with absolute confidence, knowing you’d ace it? Well, you can bring that same confidence to everyday life. Sadly, many of us don’t lead our lives, we accept them! But life’s not a dress rehearsal. You don’t get a second chance. Benjamin Disraeli said, ‘The secret of success in life is to be ready when the time comes.’ Question: If God gave you everything you’re praying for right now, would you be ready to handle it? Nothing great is created suddenly; success doesn’t occur overnight. And neither does failure. Each is a process. The fact is, every day of your life is preparation for the next. So the question is what are you preparing for, and how are you preparing? Are you grooming yourself for success or failure? Only if you’re willing to work hard on the front end, will you reap the rewards on the back end.
Bible in a Year: Hosea 7-8; 2 John ;

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