
Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Rare Bethlehem “Superstar” Tonight:Venus and Jupiter Converging for FirstTime in 2,000 Years

Tonight June 30This will happen in your
life ones surely don't miss it
On the evening of June 30, Venus and
Jupiter will appear in the sky just a third
of a degree apart. “That’s less than the
diameter of a full Moon. You’ll be able to
hide the pair not just behind the palm of
your outstretched hand, but behind your
little pinky finger,” NASA enthuses.Sky
& Telescope suggests that a similar rare
conjunction of Venus and Jupiter may
have been what’s been called the “Star
of Bethlehem” in 3-2 BC. There has not
been a brighter, closer planetary
conjunction in the 2,000 years since.

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