
Sunday, 29 November 2015

Identical twins marry identical twins with identical twin page boys, flower girls and priests (photos)

Identical twins Dinker and Dilraj Varikkasery married another set of identical twins Reena & Reema, in a ceremony officiated by identical twin priests, Rezi & Roy Manaparambil. 

The couple also had identical twin bridesmaids and pageboys. 

Double take: Brothers Dinker and Dilraj Varikkassery married sisters Reena and Reema in a lavish ceremony overseen by twin priests, who travelled 600km to be at the wedding in Kerala
The 32-year-old men, who had been inseparable all through school, university and even went on to work in the company, decided as teenagers that they could only marry identical twins. They set about finding identical twins and it took them five years to find their wives, both nurses. The wives were also hunting for twin grooms.

Search: The brothers, who work in IT, decided when they were teenagers that they wanted to marry identical twin sisters and they spent five years finding their perfect wives

"When we met Reena and Reema, we knew it was them we were looking for all this while. Fortunately, they also had the similar feeling after meeting us," Dilraj told the Mail Online 

"We had to keep searching the suitable boys for three years in a row. When we saw Dilraj and Dinker we nodded yes to each other. It was a wonderful experience." Reina said.

Mirror images: Their wedding was an all twin affair with not only the bride and groom, but flower girls Ansa, Asna and page boys Henry and Hendri specially chosen because they are twins too
Inseparable: Both sets of twins have been close ever since they were children, dressing similarly, attending the same schools, university and getting jobs at the same company after they graduated
Neighbours: These children were chosen to be part of the wedding because they lived nearby. In Kerala, where the couple live, there is a village with more than 200 sets of twins
Passionate: The men have even set up a Facebook group called the All Kerala Twins Group so that they could meet more twins, which now boasts more than 300 members
Perfection: But after so many years, neither set of twins was likely to want a normal wedding - and they set out to make it the most twin-filled event that they possibly could
Twin times: In total, there were seven sets of twins at the ceremony including priests, who travelled 600km from their homes to conduct the ceremony in Thrissur, Kerala State on the west coast
Big day: But Dilraj told MailOnline he wanted even more there - adding: 'In our twins get-together, usually there will around 10 to 12 sets of twins, but I could arrange only seven twins for my wedding'
There were a total of seven sets of twins at the wedding ceremony.

Future: Five years ago, the brothers decided it was time to settle down and find themselves wives - but realised only another set of twins, with a similar background to themselves, would do
Determination: Nurses Reena and Reema had spent three years searching for the perfect husbands for themselves

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