In order to make more money in you life, you need to see that you have the potential to achieve that. See that making more money for you is not a big deal, when you know you what you are capable of doing, for example; if you want to become a doctor but you
dont have the passion for touching sick people, even when you wear glove. However, having success in this field is not likely.
But when you love to repair your gadgets, you love seen your spoil electronics being repaired by you, and you have a real knowledge or skill about it, you have potential to learn and achieve success of making money from what you love.
In Proverb 18 verse 16, the bible made it clear, that a man's gift maketh room for him, an bringeth him before great men. So, it's what you have I you and what you have passion for that will path the way fo money to locate you.
You just sit down and think deeply, that what is it that has been embedded in me, that can liberate me from the shackles of poverty and bring me before the kings and great men. Once you discover that, DONT LOOK BACK.
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