
Saturday, 12 November 2016

TWFT: Free to be yourself!

12 NOVEMBER 2016
‘If the Son liberates you [makes you free men], then you are really and unquestionably free.’

John 8:36 AMP (Classic Edition)
We live in a world of peer pressure. Others set the standard and we wear it, drive it, quote it, or do it. In some cases that’s okay, but not when it comes to your life’s direction. Jesus said, ‘If the Son liberates you [makes you free men], then you are really and unquestionably free.’ That means you’re free from the pressures others try to put on you; free to be the person God called you to be; free to look to Him for answers instead of always looking to other people. The Bible says, ‘A man must be content to receive the gift which is given him from heaven’ (John 3:27 AMP Classic Edition).

When you scratch the surface, you discover that deep down many of us struggle with insecurity. We’re competitive, always comparing ourselves to others. We’re envious of their possessions, abilities, and accomplishments. We find ourselves trying to keep up with certain people, or be just like them. And as a result we get frustrated because we’re operating outside of what God called us to be. In other words, we’re not being ourselves! Understand this: the Christian life is a race, and you must run on your own track.

You’ll never enjoy the fullness of God’s blessing until you commit to being the person He created you to be. So look in the mirror today and announce, ‘I am what I am. I can’t be anything other than what God has called me to be.

So I’m going to concentrate on being the best me I can be - and celebrate every moment of it.’
Bible in a Year: Ezek 24-26; James 2;

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