
Saturday 4 November 2017

30 Incredible photos you will think is Photoshopped

The combination of the wonders of our world, the beauty of nature, and the right moment show us that we don't need a miracle nor Photoshop to create incredible images. The following photos have not been edited in any way and are certain to make your jaw drop. Take a look at these beautiful images and see for yourself

The red glow of a solar eclipse from the Canyon de Chelley National Monument in Arizona creates a spectacular image. 

An airplane takes on a rainbow tail as it passes through the colorful clouds. 

Mother Nature
The damage and destruction this storm will bring as it plows through the countryside doesn't make us admire it any less. 

This work of beauty in Novorossiysk, Russia seems to have been caused by Thor. 

The Italy and Switzerland border is swallowed by snow. 

The mountains of Altai, Asia seem to have been painted with snowflakes. 

This image presents an optical illusion, trapping man within the confines of his own creations. When will the upward growth of our cities end? What will be our limit? 

The light creates a dome over the city, making it seem enveloped by the moon. 


The synchronized marching of a Chinese crowd transformed into art. 

This road became the barrier for a fire, resulting in two different realities. 

 On the moon
Imagine how it would feel to be on this airplane and feel like you could reach out and touch the moon?! 

 The dawn of the storm
A storm brewing on the horizon, viewed from an airplane at 11,000 meters. 

 How much is this sky worth?
The fire-red sky alone is worth the price of admission! 

Turtles are capable of camouflage! These ones are hiding themselves in algae. 

The tip of a volcano caught in sunlight is glowing as if covered by burning rocks! 

Rockets falling to Earth like shooting stars! 

A bird mid-flight in a brilliant blue sky with fluffy white clouds. 

At this angle, the rain passing through the filter of the sun looks like a divine light from heaven! 

This tree glowing with frost is so beautiful that it seems impossible that it wasn't edited. 

How much of an iceberg do we ever see?

This incredible image portrays a regime of soldiers exercising in the chilly, red glow of dawn in the Chinese province of Heilongjiang. 

That perfect moment when you find exactly what you're looking for. 

This image of the inside of a violin fools us into believing we are looking at the staircase of a building. 

A bird's-eye view of a city that makes you wonder how it is possible for something to be so precise. 

 Intense glow
A cascade of glowing yellow lava sliding down a mountainside. 

This woman demonstrates the elegance of sychronized swimming with a school of fish. 

 Little bird
Is this tiny bird made of watermelon? 

This sea of pancake-shaped disks is actually made up of ice.

This image seems so impossibly perfect that it makes you want to dive in and touch it to make sure it's real. 

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